
June, 2024

Version 2.1 — June 28th, 2024

This update brings several significant improvements, including bug fixes, performance enhancements, and new features. Here’s what’s new in Solid Affiliate:

New Features and Improvements:

  • Better answers the question "Why was this Referral created". Knowing exactly why a referral was created is a very important part of running an affiliate program. We tackled this problem from multiple angles for this update, including a more robust database modeling of referrals and their sources. Some examples: Solid Affiliate will now track exactly which admin created a manual referral, and when; Solid Affiliate will now track the exact reason an auto-referral was created, etc.
  • New GDPR Consent Support: Improved GDPR compliance with better consent support and a new setting to disable automatic visit tracking.
  • Significant Performance Improvement: Solid Affiliate no longer makes unnecessary AJAX requests on the home page load, resulting in a faster user experience.
  • Enhanced Setup Wizard Robustness: The Setup Wizard has been made more robust. It will now properly recover from rare situations such as network errors, underlying database changes that occur mid-setup wizard, etc. This won't affect existing users directly, but it will help our business in the long run, which will help the product, which will benefit existing users.
  • Affiliate Auto Apply Coupons from a link: Initial version of automatically applying affiliate coupons from links, making it easier for affiliates to promote products.

Database and Code Improvements:

  • Database Migrations: Introduced a more efficient DBMigration.php for smoother database migrations.
  • Improved Data Migration: Enhanced data migration processes to ensure data integrity and reliability.

Miscellaneous Updates:

  • MailPoetSubscriberManager Update: Updated the MailPoetSubscriberManager for better email subscription management.
  • Subscription Renewal Enhancements: Improved the subscription renewal process for a more seamless experience.
  • Various Tests and Fixes: Conducted multiple tests and fixes to ensure the plugin's stability and performance.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Setup Wizard Blank Screen Bug Fixed: The Setup Wizard no longer shows a blank screen, ensuring a smoother setup process.
    • Fixed wp_add_inline_style Issue: Resolved the issue with wp_add_inline_style to improve compatibility and functionality.

These updates are part of our continuous effort to provide a robust and user-friendly affiliate management solution. Thank you for your continued support and feedback!

May, 2024

Version 2.0 — May 2nd, 2024

This major release marks a significant enhancement in the functionalities of the Solid Affiliate plugin, notably introducing a comprehensive tagging system for better organization and filtering of affiliates and referrals. This release also sees dozens of performance and usability improvements, and new features for recurring referrals.

Major Feature Launch: Tag Management System

  • You can now create and use any number of custom tags to tag and organize affiliates within Solid Affiliate.
  • If you've ever used tagging systems within email clients or other popular software tools, then you'll feel right at home with this functionality.
  • You can create a tag, pick a color, and assign it to affiliates. Then, you can filter affiliates by tags when paying them, searching for them, etc.

New Feature: Recurring Referral Time Limit

  • Customizable Duration for Referral Commissions on Subscriptions: Affiliates can now earn commissions on subscription renewals for a set time period, configurable per affiliate, with a default setting of no time limit.
  • This feature is particularly useful for businesses with recurring revenue models.

Technical and Performance Enhancements:

  • Psalm Fixes and Minor Cleanups: Addressed various technical debts and optimized codebase for better performance and reliability.
  • Updated AlpineJS CDN links and refined the styling across various components to enhance user interaction and accessibility.

Miscellaneous Updates:

  • Filter Addition for Referral Creation: Introduced a new filter 'solid_affiliate/before_referral_creation' to allow for custom actions before a referral's creation.
  • System Cleanups: Removed problematic components such as the Solid Log log file to prevent issues related to logging.


  • Bug Fix in WooCommerce Order Meta Box: Corrected a warning issue to ensure smoother integration with WooCommerce.
  • CVE-2024-33637 Vulnerability Fixed: Addressed the security vulnerability.

February, 2024

Version 1.9.0 — February 15th, 2024

We are thrilled to announce our latest update to Solid Affiliate. This version introduces significant advancements in product variation handling, WooCommerce integration, and system performance enhancements. Our dedication to improving Solid Affiliate continues, fueled by invaluable community insights and the pursuit of excellence in affiliate marketing solutions. Thanks to all the fantastic customers who worked with our engineers to make this update happen.

  • WooCommerce Integration Deepened: Variable Products now supported: Expanded Solid Affiliate fields to WooCommerce Product > Variations, ensuring a seamless integration and enhanced flexibility in managing affiliate-related product variations.
  • Product Variation Commission Insights: Introduced insights for product variations in commissions, providing a clearer understanding of commission dynamics across different product variations.
  • High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) Support: Implemented support for WooCommerce HPOS, optimizing Solid Affiliate for high-performance environments and ensuring compatibility with the latest WooCommerce innovations.
  • Enhanced JavaScript Handling: Removed jQuery dependency for a leaner, faster loading of scripts and introduced an updated visits.js file, aiming at improving site speed and user interaction.
  • Debugging and Logging Improvements: Added a new Solid Debug Admin License Tab and updated SolidLogger to handle larger files, enhancing diagnostics and monitoring capabilities.
  • System Performance and Code Quality: Numerous updates aimed at improving system performance, including fixing tests, updating composer dependencies, and addressing PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings. We've also made strides in code quality by resolving all psalm errors and upgrading to Psalm 5.18.0.
  • WordPress Multisite Compatibility: Updated capabilities for editing affiliates to function properly on multisite installations, ensuring Solid Affiliate's full functionality across networked sites.
  • Shortcodes Update: Introduced shortcode solid_affiliate_current_affiliate_coupon_code, enhancing the toolkit available for affiliate promotion and management.
  • Psalm Analysis: Extensive work on improving code quality through Psalm analysis, achieving zero errors and updating psalm configurations for enhanced code reliability.
  • PHP and Composer Updates: Updated lowest end PHP version from 7.3.8 to 7.4.0 across our continuous integration suite and all relevant docker containers used internally, and performed multiple updates on composer dependencies to ensure compatibility and performance.
  • Testing and Debugging Enhancements: Continuous efforts in testing and debugging to ensure stability, including fixes to WooCommerce bugs and adjustments to comply with PHP 8.2 standards.

December, 2023

Version 1.8.0 — December 20th, 2023

We’re excited to announce the latest update to Solid Affiliate, focusing on enhancing user experience and system performance. This release features important fixes in reporting, interface improvements, and a significant new feature for auto-coupons for affiliates. We thank our community for their feedback and testing throughout this latest plugin update.

  • Reports Improvement: Fixed the display issue in the Reports > Affiliates table for more accurate data presentation.
  • Data Export Enhancement: The data exports page can now handle significantly larger exports.
  • Referral Source Formatting: Improved formatting for the referral source, enhancing readability and usability.
  • Admin Table Update: The Affiliate Admin table now includes an 'Assigned Coupons' column, providing more comprehensive data at a glance.
  • Referral Table Enhancement: The Referrals table now displays the coupon code in the referral source for easier tracking.
  • Creatives Field Update: Upgraded the Creatives > Description field to a larger text area, enhancing user interaction.
  • Localization Improvements: Added several strings to the translation list, expanding language support.
  • Solid Navigator Removal: Removed SolidNavigator entirely for a streamlined experience. Solid Navigator was an experimental feature that added WordPress-wide navigation. The latest version of WordPress actually ended up making a similar feature, so we're just removing ours to keep things clean.
  • Shortcodes and Translation Update: Updated shortcodes for better functionality and improved the Taiwanese translation file for enhanced localization.
  • Uninstall Script Enhancements: Updated the Uninstall script to include all tables for a comprehensive cleanup. Also, AffiliateMeta is now deleted when an affiliate is removed, ensuring data integrity and cleanliness.
  • Code Quality Improvement: Addressed issues identified by psalm to improve code quality and reliability.
  • New Feature – Create a Coupon for Each Existing Affiliate: Introduced a new feature to create a coupon for each existing affiliate, enhancing our widely used auto-coupons addon functionality. Previously, it would only create a coupon for any new affiliates. Now, there's a big button you can push and the plugin will go and generate a coupon for each of your existing affiliates. Pretty nifty stuff imo.

September, 2023

Version 1.7.2 — September 18th, 2023

For this update, we worked with a few of our largest customers to pinpoint edge-case bugs and scalability. It feels great to have Solid Affiliate running live on sites that are tracking tens of thousands of referrals. These sites accelerate the maturation of Solid Affiliate. A big thanks to all the customers involved with this update. Numerous additional updates and tweaks for optimal performance. We’re confident you’ll appreciate this update!

    • Dozens of Improvements and a Few Rare Bug Fixes: We worked with a few of our largest customers to pinpoint edge-case bugs and scalability. It feels great to have Solid Affiliate running live on sites that are tracking tens of thousands of referrals. These sites accelerate the maturation of Solid Affiliate. Numerous additional updates and tweaks for optimal performance. We're confident you'll appreciate this update!
    • Admin Notification Emails: Fixed an edge case which prevented disabling of certain admin notification emails.
    • New Customer's Only Referrals: The 'new customers only' setting will now properly prevent 'existing customers' from generating a referral in the instance that they are a guest by using the email address to match.
    • Store Credit System Update: Improved the way Store Credit is handled with respect to WooCommerce coupons. Now, significantly fewer coupons will be created in the background. This will help keep things organized, performant, and robust.

July, 2023

Version 1.6 — July 24th, 2023

In perhaps our most useful update of the year, we’re introducing a 🔍 global search bar to the top of Solid Affiliate admin pages. You can use this to find nearly anything within Solid Affiliate: settings, documentation, pages, affiliates, etc.

      • Global Search: Easily find anything within Solid Affiliate. Search across all settings, pages, affiliates, documentation, and more.
      • Improved Pay Affiliates Tool: Will now make it clear which affiliates are excluded due to minimum payout amounts.
      • Deep performance improvements: Our team took a very deep dive (thanks qcachegrind + New Relic) into further optimizing Solid Affiliate performance. This was mainly a passion project that turned out successful and valuable.
      • Like literally 50 small improvements: Constant polish and improvement, code cleanup, quality of life improvements, translation improvements, etc. There are too many to keep track of, just trust us this is a good update.

June, 2023

Version 1.5 — June 1st, 2023

In this version, we’ve made significant performance improvements, and added support for WooCommerce when orders are created via the WooCommerce API or Blocks. Additionally, we’ve added new reports and filters to better understand your affiliate program’s performance.

      • Speed and performance improvements: Engineering efforts were focused on performance for this update.
      • WooCommerce API / Blocks: Solid Affiliate will now properly function when orders are created via WooCommerce API or Blocks.
      • New Coupon Reporting: We have added a new Reports > Coupons tool, and included the number of referrals to the Commission Rates > Active Coupons table. These updates give you more insight into your affiliate program's performance.
      • Updated Translations: We added 🇭🇺 Hungarian (hu_HU) and 🇨🇿 Czech (cs_CZ) translation files, and improved the 🇨🇳 Chinese Traditional (cn_tw) translation.

April, 2023

Version 1.4 — April 11th, 2023

This update includes several improvements to Solid Affiliate, such as better integration with Mailchimp API, Traditional Chinese translation, enhanced multisite compatibility, performance optimization, bug fixes, and a new developer filter for customizing Affiliate Portal tabs. Additionally, there are dozens of small refinements and improvements that enhance the overall performance and quality of Solid Affiliate.

      • Mailchimp API Improvements: Better error messages.
      • Traditional Chinese Translation: A huge thanks to our customers in Taiwan who helped create an excellent translation file, now included with the plugin.
      • Multisite compatibility: Improved compatibility with multisite environments.
      • Performance Improvements: Affiliate registration during keyless free trials, and overall performance.
      • Bug fix: Improvements to how Solid Affiliate handles settings internally, resolving an issue where one of our add-ons would not work properly on a new site.
      • Developer Filter: Added the "solid_affiliate/default_affiliate_tabs" filter so that anyone can change the order of Affiliate Portal tabs.

February, 2023

Version 1.3 — February 13th, 2023

The highlight feature of this update is the addition of a free trial. We’re confident that the onboarding of Solid Affiliate is the best of any plugin, and we’re making this free trial change to get Solid Affiliate into the hands of more businesses.

      • Free Trial: A free trial flow has been added to the plugin to give more businesses the opportunity to experience setting up Solid Affiliate. This should significantly increase our customer base, which in the long run will provide resources to accelerate development of Solid Affiliate. Thank you to all the existing customers!
      • Onboarding Experience Improvements: We've added a better empty dashboard, as well as made several updates to improve the overall onboarding experience, including cleaning up the license key step in the setup wizard.
      • Performance Improvements: Our team has made various updates to improve the overall performance of Solid Affiliate, including a fix for affiliate registration during keyless free trial.

January, 2023

Version 1.2 — January 31st, 2023

This update features a major improvement to affiliate registration, making it easier and more intuitive for users to become affiliates on the site they already have a WordPress/WooCommerce account. There are also several bug fixes and performance improvements to ensure the continued stability and efficiency of Solid Affiliate.

      • Improved Affiliate Registration: The affiliate registration process has been significantly improved to increase affiliate registration rates and make it more intuitive for users who already have a WordPress/WooCommerce account on the site.
      • Bug Fixes: Several bugs affecting the performance and stability of the plugin have been fixed, including issues with the license check code and a fix for infinite pings from the licensing status-check.
      • Performance Improvements: Our team has made various updates to improve the overall performance of Solid Affiliate, including a fix for affiliate setup issues with a large number of users.
      • Translation Improvements: We are proud to announce that we have made a large translation improvement, adding over 300 translated sentences/words for each of our existing supported languages.
      • Miscellaneous Updates: We've made a range of smaller updates and improvements to Solid Affiliate to enhance your experience.

Version 1.1 — January 17th, 2023

This update includes a much better setup wizard and overall onboarding experience. There is now a built-in step which will optionally create affiliate accounts for all existing customers; also, a step which will create a coupon template to apply to all future affiliates.

      • New setup wizard: Enhanced for better user experience.
      • Affiliate links with UTM parameters: Affiliate links now support UTM parameters, allowing users to track the performance of their affiliate campaigns.
      • New short-codes: We've added a new short-code that displays the affiliate name on the page if an affiliate link is used.
      • More detailed notes for rejected referrals: We've added more detailed notes for rejected referrals and refunded orders, providing users with more information about why a referral was rejected.
      • Translation improvements: Continued efforts to enhance language support.

December, 2022

Version 1.0.35 — December 17th, 2022

The most significant update in this release is the improved “Pay your Affiliates” tool. It has been completely redesigned to be more efficient and user-friendly. With the new minimum payout amounts setting, you can set a threshold for when affiliates receive their earnings. Additionally, you can now include or exclude specific affiliates, referrals, or affiliate groups when making payouts.

      • New and vastly improved Pay your Affiliates tool: Completely redesigned to be more efficient and user-friendly, with the added ability to set minimum payout amounts and include or exclude specific affiliates, referrals, or groups.
      • Additional controls over affiliate portals: You can now choose to hide certain tabs from affiliate portals, while still being able to preview all tabs as an admin.
      • Security updates: We've made improvements to ensure that your data is safe and secure on Solid Affiliate.
      • Performance updates: We've made various updates to improve the overall performance of the platform.
      • Miscellaneous updates: We've made a range of smaller updates and improvements to Solid Affiliate to enhance your experience. Trust us, much more went into this update than these notes portray! <3

November, 2022

Version 1.0.34 — November 10th, 2022

This update supercharges the affiliate portals that each and every affiliate (and admin when in admin preview mode) interacts with! The portals now load instantly when clicking around. A much-anticipated feature that our team is proud of delivering to everyone. Thanks to all the customers who were there for us and beta tested this version.

      • Major speed improvements to the affiliate portals: The portal will now load nearly instantly, and affiliates will be able to click through each section of their portal without reloading the page. This makes for a modern, fast experience which should further build trust amongst our users' affiliates.
      • Significantly improved translations: Added multiple languages and 300+ translated sentences/words for each of our existing supported languages.
      • WooCommerce Orders Table: Adding "this order was referred by an affiliate" icons and tooltips.
      • Improved functionality of affiliate registration: Enhanced for sites with caching enabled, removing an entire setup step for the majority of our new users.
      • Performance improvements: Substantial updates to the entire plugin, rooted in a more intelligent Settings module beneath the hood.
      • Affiliate Portals: Reversed the order of referrals.
      • Auto Create Affiliate Coupons: Changed randomly generated codes from 8 to 4 characters.

October, 2022

Version 1.0.33 — October 12th, 2022

      • New filter: Exclude a specific affiliate from receiving referral email notifications.
      • Fix: Addressed a rare bug where guest checkouts were incorrectly crediting affiliates when Lifetime Commissions are enabled. This is all fixed, please update ASAP if you are using the Lifetime Commissions functionality within Solid Affiliate.
      • Translation pass: Updated existing docs and localized missing strings.

September, 2022

Version 1.0.31 — September 21st, 2022

This release sets Solid Affiliate apart from every other affiliate solution for WordPress. The dashboard built into Solid Affiliate is now a modern, next-generation type interface. The interface is beginning to reflect the true quality of the hidden internals of Solid Affiliate.

      • Completely new dashboard interface: Cementing Solid Affiliate as the next-generation affiliate plugin for WooCommerce.
      • Historical Feed: Your affiliate program events such as Referrals Created, Affiliates Created, Payouts sent, etc.

August, 2022

Version — August 30th, 2022

The much-requested Lifetime Commissions feature is here and as always it’s Solid. This update consists of a month of hard, focused work from our team. The highlights include Lifetime Commissions, performance improvements, advanced settings, and a greatly improved licensing system. The video below shows off the new Lifetime Commissions feature. Highly recommended to update to this version ASAP.

      • Lifetime Commissions: Feature with built-in settings. Completely built-in, no add-ons necessary.
      • Manage Affiliates Table: Improved performance.
      • WooCommerce Core Order Statuses: Added a setting to select which should trigger a referral in Solid Affiliate.
      • Referral Statuses: Added a setting to select which to show your affiliates in their portal.
      • License API: Improved to more efficiently check for plugin updates.
      • Referral Creation: Added custom hook on referral creation do_action"solid_affiliate/purchase_tracking/referral_created".
      • Licensing Messaging: Improved designs and functionality throughout the plugin.
      • User/Customer Selects: Easy-to-use throughout the plugin, replacing and improving upon "User ID" fields.
      • CSS Files: Overhauled for better organization and more intelligent asset loading.
      • Navigation: Improved within Solid Affiliate > Affiliates > Edit.
      • Affiliate Screens: Removed the phrase "WordPress" from some affiliate-facing screens. Thank you to our customers for suggesting this tweak.
      • Order Description: Update within email notifications now includes the site URL of the store where the purchase was made.
      • Fix: Registration Note tooltips are now properly rendering on the affiliates admin table.

July, 2022

Version 1.0.29 — July 28th, 2022

A large and exciting new update featuring dozens and dozens of improvements and new features. The star of the show for this update is the Store Credit feature. You can now reward your affiliates with store credit! The video below distills the most important parts of this update.

Video going over this update:

      • Store Credit: Reward your Affiliates with Store Credit.
      • Commission Rates: Enabled the ability to set $0.00 or 0% commission rates for any commission rate strategy (Affiliate-specific, Product-specific, Affiliate-Product-specific, etc).
      • Mailchimp Integration: Improved and documented. Settings now have links to documentation.
      • New Feature: You can now disable referrals entirely for orders which use a particular coupon.
      • WooCommerce Coupons: Now show an affiliate icon for any coupon that has an affiliate associated with it.
      • Registration Form ReCaptcha: Updated to be more resilient to JavaScript namespace interference.
      • New Feature: WooCommerce template tags have been added to our email notifications. You can now add customer information to affiliate and affiliate manager email notifications, pulling straight from the WooCommerce order. For example: customer email, customer phone, customer shipping address, etc.
      • New Feature: Preview all email notifications within Solid Affiliate with the click of a button. You can also resend notification emails to your affiliates when needed.
      • New Feature: Optionally display customer information alongside each referral within the affiliate portals.
      • Manually Creating Referrals: Improved form with a searchable field for coupons. This should save ample time over needing to find and paste in the coupon ID.
      • Affiliate Portal Styling: Improved and more resilient to theme style conflicts.
      • New Feature: An easy-to-use hide/show columns button for all our admin tables. Better default hidden columns.
      • Styling Improvements: Plugin-wide, significant improvements to the admin Affiliate > Edit page.

June, 2022

Version 1.0.28 — June 11th, 2022

      • Major optimization to visit tracking performance: The JS tracking script now detects when it should not make a request to the server, leading to immediate page load improvements across all users.
      • Updated Portuguese translations: Enhanced within the affiliate registration form.
      • Styling improvements: Enhanced the commission calculation tooltips.
      • Improvements to the pay affiliate tool: The custom date range selector now starts at the current month.
      • Localized timestamp: Show for referrals created_at in both affiliate portals and the admin interface.
      • Notification email: Added a coupon column row to the Affiliate Account Approved notification email.
      • Affiliate portal improvements: Including CSS updates for more flexibility and browser support, and improvements to the creatives copy embed code rendering.
      • PayPal integration: Added a new currency warning if the admin has an incompatible PayPal currency configured in WooCommerce. Documentation improvements were also made for a more robust experience with the Solid Affiliate PayPal integration.
      • Affiliate portal edit setting improvements: When there are no settings available for affiliate edit, a helpful message is rendered. See Custom Affiliate Form.
      • New filter: Added a solid_affiliate/affiliate_portal/custom_slugs_section filter to help customers meet their desired Affiliate Portal design.

May, 2022

Version 1.0.27 — May 2nd, 2022

      • Security update: A non-critical vulnerability was detected and patched immediately. A developer-only page that created a mock affiliate account (for development purposes) was exposed within the wp-admin panel of Solid Affiliate, leading to some customers accidentally creating a mock affiliate account. The fix is simple: delete the mock affiliate account.

April, 2022

Version 1.0.26 — April 29th, 2022

      • New core feature: Custom Affiliate Slugs. Admins can enable automatic slug creation upon affiliate signup, create custom slugs for affiliates, and/or allow affiliates to create their own custom slugs.
      • Improved Solid Affiliate <> WooCommerce Subscriptions integration: Now more robust with a thorough internal test suite, supporting all referral types within Solid Affiliate.
      • Admin Order helpers: Display pertinent Affiliate and Referral information associated with each order, including explanations for why a referral was not created.
      • Continuous Integration testing environment: Helped catch and fix hard-to-detect PHP and WP version compatibility bugs.
      • Custom Affiliate Registration Form improvements: The form builder now pre-validates your form, warning of errors before submission to prevent loss of progress.

Version 1.0.25 — April 6th, 2022

      • Dynamic tooltips: Display additional information regarding Solid Affiliate statuses throughout the app.
      • New Feature: Affiliate Landing Pages.
      • Improved translations: Custom registration form builder now supports translation.
      • Admin helper: Renders above the affiliate registration form and affiliate portal when an admin is logged in, assisting with configuration.
      • Affiliate Portal - Admin Preview feature: Allows admins to preview the portal.
      • Affiliate Portal word configuration: Ability to configure the word "Affiliate" within the portal.
      • Email templates: Now translate affiliate status, referral status, and referral source.
      • WordPress notices: Fixed issue where notices were rendered inside Solid Affiliate components instead of at the top of the page.

March, 2022

Version 1.0.24 — March 21st, 2022

      • CSV export of payout data: Now includes all custom fields created through the Solid Affiliate custom affiliate fields builder, improving the Pay Affiliates tool's flexibility and usability with non-PayPal payout methods.
      • In-app documentation improvements: Enhanced the Pay Affiliate flow, particularly for the PayPal integration.
      • Updated translation files: Improved translations throughout the plugin.
      • WooCommerce Integration: Added styling to properly align Solid Affiliate sections within WooCommerce Product and Coupon pages, with custom icons for easier identification.
      • Improved compatibility: Enhanced PHP 7.2 and WordPress 5.2 compatibility.

Version 1.0.23 — March 10th, 2022

      • Manage visits page tool: Added a tool to delete old unconverted visits, useful for saving database space for users with high affiliate traffic.
      • Improved login and registration experience: Enhanced integration with WordPress user management.
      • Improved error messages: Added translations and more descriptive messages.

Version 1.0.22 — March 9th, 2022

      • Custom affiliate fields and registration form: Built-in form builder. See video:
      • Improved referring URL tracking: Enhanced visit tracking functionality.
      • Developer filters: Added 'solid_affiliate/settings/' filters.
      • Improved chart rendering: Enhanced JavaScript chart rendering within affiliate portals.
      • Large translation update: Over 900 translatable strings now available. Supported languages:
      • New "Prevent self-referrals" setting: Option to prevent or allow affiliates from generating referrals on their own purchases.
      • Improved WooCommerce Subscriptions Integration: Refunded/canceled/trashed subscription renewals will properly reject any underlying referrals. Improved interaction between auto-referrals and subscriptions.
      • Fixed Heredoc issue: For sites running PHP 7.2 and lower. Improved PHP compatibility checks and error messages.
      • Dozens of minor improvements: Various tweaks to UX, performance, and stability.

February, 2022

Version 1.0.21 — February 8th, 2022

      • New Auto Coupon Generation add-on: Automatically generate coupons.
      • Data export tool: Added a tool to export all Solid Affiliate data.
      • Affiliate portal post-state: Distinguish the affiliate portal page in the pages list table.
      • Register affiliate row action: Added in Users.php.
      • New setting: Remove all Solid Affiliate data on uninstall.
      • New setting: Disable referrals for WooCommerce Product Categories.
      • Improved database validations: Fixed issues with special characters in form fields.
      • Affiliate net revenue preview calculation: Automatically updated on refunded or canceled orders.
      • Improved asset loading: Selectively loads admin assets, improving performance and compatibility with other plugins.
      • Updated translation files: Enhanced translations.
      • Improved settings styling: Enhanced styling of all Solid Affiliate settings.

January, 2022

Version 1.0.20 — January 17th, 2022

      • Improved UI: Enhanced UI for all Settings.
      • Add-ons menu: Introduced within Solid Affiliate.
      • New Add-on: Auto-register new users as Affiliates.
      • New Add-on: Exclude payment gateway referrals.
      • Fix: Prevent duplicate Auto Referrals from being created.
      • Form field indications: Required fields in all forms are now properly indicated as required.
      • Developer hooks: Introduced a few hooks in preparation for a larger developer launch.
      • Affiliate Portal: Now only displays Unpaid and Paid Referrals. Draft and Rejected Referrals are no longer shown in the Portals.
      • Pay Affiliate tool: Export CSV no longer exports rows with a zero ($0.00) commission value, as required by PayPal Mass Payouts and other payout platforms.
      • Performance improvements: Enhanced performance on sites with a large number of Users.
      • Commission settings: Allow higher precision, up to two decimal places.

December, 2021

Version 1.0.19 — December 19th, 2021

      • Email notifications: Improved and enhanced customization of email templates.
      • Admin search improvements: Added AJAX endpoints for Affiliate, User, and WooCommerce product searches.
      • Asset loading improvements: Solid Affiliate now loads only a tiny ~1kb file on the front end for redundant visit tracking and cache support.

Version 1.0.18 — December 14th, 2021

      • Pay Affiliates tool improvements: Fixed issue of duplicate referrals being generated for some WooCommerce orders.

Version 1.0.17 — December 8th, 2021

      • Email notification fields: Added new Referral fields in email notifications.

Version 1.0.16 — December 1st, 2021

      • Internationalization of metadata: Plugin is now translation-ready.

November, 2021

Version 1.0.15 — November 24th, 2021

      • WordPress multisite compatibility: Enhanced support for WordPress multisite environments.

Version 1.0.14 — November 11th, 2021

      • Admin affiliate registration: Improved the process for registering affiliates through the admin interface.

Version 1.0.13 — November 7th, 2021

      • Caching plugin support: Updated support for popular caching plugins.
      • Referral rate settings UI: Better UI for managing referral rate settings.
      • PayPal Integration: Enhanced error reporting for better integration with PayPal.

October, 2021

Version 1.0.12 — October 30th, 2021

      • Affiliate Portal upgrades: Improved rendering of Creative assets.

Version 1.0.11 — October 28th, 2021

      • Affiliate portal dashboard: Added Affiliate overview and charts.

Version 1.0.10 — October 10th, 2021

      • Admin notifications: Improved notification system.
      • PayPal integration: Updated to disregard 0.0 commissions.

September, 2021

Version 1.0.9 — September 28th, 2021

      • Affiliate Auto Referrals / Revenue splits: You can now configure an auto-referral whenever a product is sold.
      • Affiliate Product Rates: Can set specific commission rules on a per-product and per-affiliate level.
      • Deleting a WordPress user: Now also deletes any corresponding Solid Affiliate data.

Version 1.0.8 — September 21st, 2021

      • Performance improvements: General performance enhancements.

Version 1.0.7 — September 17th, 2021

      • Settings controls: Improved control options within settings.

Version 1.0.6 — September 16th, 2021

      • Auto-update fix: Fixed plugin auto-update issue.

Version 1.0.5 — September 10th, 2021

      • Affiliate Groups: Affiliates can now be assigned to groups, with custom commission rates for each group.
      • Shortcode support: Affiliate Groups supported by the solid_affiliate_portal shortcode.

August, 2021

Version 1.0.4 — August 24th, 2021

      • Improved Affiliate Registration features: The registration form can now be further customized with additional fields and settings to hide the portal from unapproved affiliates.

Version 1.0.3 — August 23rd, 2021

      • MailChimp Integration: Affiliates will automatically sync to your MailChimp account upon registration.

Version 1.0.2 — August 18th, 2021

      • Affiliate Link Generator upgrades: Enhanced functionality for generating affiliate links.
      • Commission payments for new customers: Support for paying commissions only for new customers.
      • Additional currencies: Support for additional currencies when using the PayPal Payouts integration.

Version 1.0.1 — August 11th, 2021

      • Affiliate portal login upgrades: Improved login process for affiliates.

Version 1.0.1 — August 11th, 2021

    • Initial release: Launch of the Solid Affiliate plugin.