Do you have WooCommerce clients? Show them Solid Affiliate, they’ll love you for it.

Here is why Solid Affiliate is the best WordPress plugin for growing your clients’ WooCommerce stores organically.

Quick jump to:

Hey there, it’s Mike here, the creator of Solid Affiliate. As an agency owner or freelancer with clients, I know you’re always looking for ways to help your clients grow their businesses while growing your business. That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to Solid Affiliate, the best WordPress plugin for growing a WooCommerce store organically. Trust me; this is a short and compelling read:


I developed Solid Affiliate because I saw a need for an easy-to-use and effective way to grow a WooCommerce business organically and without spending endless amounts on ads. I wanted to build something that would be future-proof and make people happy, to empower them to grow their businesses. (I also want to revolutionize WordPress development – but that’s another story.) Now a few years down the road, with thousands of satisfied customers and glowing testimonials, I’m confident that Solid Affiliate is worth your attention.

Super Short version; TLDR;

Here’s what some agencies with WooCommerce clients are doing:

  1. Mentioning to their clients that many other WooCommerce businesses are using Solid Affiliate.
  2. Pitching their clients on the merits of an affiliate/referral program. (see below)
  3. Quoting their clients for installation of Solid Affiliate.
  4. Seeing their clients’ businesses grow organically on auto-pilot, resulting in happy clients.
  5. Enjoying the well-built plugin and not having to deal with bug reports or time-consuming support requests.
  6. Living their best lives.


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Testimonials from happy clients with Solid Affiliate installed on their WooCommerce sites.


As a developer with many past clients, I know firsthand the true cost of installing any new tool or plugin: time. The time of setup and the time required for maintenance and supporting my clients. That’s why I made sure to refine and perfect Solid Affiliate until it was easy to install, bug-free, and intuitive, requiring little to no maintenance or support. In fact, I still handle about 50% of customer support for Solid Affiliate myself. How is this possible? Because the plugin is intuitively designed – by our awesome designer, not me – and because it never breaks.

But let’s talk about you. Why should you consider showing Solid Affiliates to your clients?

Not only are you providing value to your clients and helping them grow their businesses, but you’re also able to generate additional income for your own business. All the agency owners and developers that I’ve spoken to report back an easy time selling their clients on Solid Affiliate. It’s a plugin that grows the business, and will literally show them – down to the cent – how much money it’s made their business. Here’s an example screenshot from a real Solid Affiliate dashboard.

Screenshot from Solid Affiliate dashboard.

You know your clients and your business better than anyone, so I won’t tell you how much you should charge your clients for setting up a world-class affiliate/referral program – but I’ve heard of some astronomical prices being happily paid.

In addition to the financial benefits, offering Solid Affiliate to your clients can also help differentiate your agency or freelancing business from others in the market. By offering a high-quality, effective tool like Solid Affiliate, you can set yourself apart and show your clients that you’re committed to helping them succeed.

Using Solid Affiliate for your clients can help save time and reduce maintenance for your agency or freelancing business, generate additional income through commissions, and differentiate your business from others in the market. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

But the benefits for you as an agency or freelancer don’t stop there. By offering Solid Affiliate to your clients, we’ll also give you 20% commission. And yes, the commission would be tracked through our own affiliate program, which is powered by…you guessed it, Solid Affiliate. And if you’re a large agency, you can even email our team and me at to set up a higher percentage commission for yourself – reference this article, and we’ll hook you up.

Solid Affiliate makes it easy for your clients to get started with a straightforward installation process and a customizable commission structure. And once it’s up and running, affiliates have everything they need to promote the WooCommerce store, including links, coupons, and landing pages. The best part? It’s all automatic, with commissions paid out in cash or store credit each month with just a few clicks.

I’ve seen firsthand the success that Solid Affiliate can bring to WooCommerce stores. Nearly half of our own sales come through referrals, all of them powered by Solid Affiliate. It’s almost entirely hands-off and organic; I never have to pay a company for advertising or promotion – I only pay a fair commission % after a sale comes through. And we’re not alone – there are countless success stories from WooCommerce stores that have used Solid Affiliate to grow their business organically. You can read through many authentic testimonials.

So why wait? Perhaps you’re thinking about how to best tell your clients or thinking of some of the objections they might have. If that’s the case, I’ll try and help out in the next section.

Broach the topic of an affiliate/referral program to your clients

When introducing an affiliate program to your clients, it’s essential to approach the topic in a way that shows you’re considering their needs and the potential benefits for their business. Smart business owners are likely to be wary of new tools – and rightfully so! Here are a few tips on how to broach the topic of Solid Affiliate with your clients:

  1. Start by explaining what Solid Affiliate is and how it works. Share some of the key features and benefits, such as the easy installation process, customizable commission structure, and automatic tracking of affiliates’ purchases. The main point is that it’s a quick setup and then very little work to get things rolling. The tool handles things entirely automatically.
  2. Share some success stories or testimonials from satisfied users of Solid Affiliate. This can help illustrate Solid Affiliate’s potential impact on your client’s business and provide social proof that others have succeeded with the tool. See Solid Affiliate testimonials.
  3. Emphasize the value that Solid Affiliate can bring to your client’s business. Explain how it can help them grow their sales organically and without additional expenses besides the low price of Solid Affiliate. They are guaranteed to be aware of another affiliate/referral program, even if they don’t immediately realize it. A large % of businesses have some form of “refer a friend”, “get extra XYZ if you invite someone”, etc – because it works!
  4. Offer to help your clients get set up with Solid Affiliate. Explain that you’re happy to answer any questions they may have and assist with the installation process. Also, our team here at will help them out as well. You can always reach us, and we’ll always be there to help.

By approaching the topic thoughtfully, you can show your clients that you’re committed to helping them succeed and that Solid Affiliate can be a valuable addition to their business. There’s no risk as they don’t have to pay any of their affiliates until after successful referrals; the plugin itself comes with a money-back guarantee, and you could always remove it – there’s no lock-in.

Common client objections and ideas on how to respond

It’s natural for clients to have questions or concerns when considering a new tool or plugin for their business. Here are a few common objections that clients may have, along with some suggested ways to respond. These are based on logic and compassion, not on aggressive sales tactics:

  1. “I’m not sure if I want to add another program to my website.”

Response idea: “I understand your concern. However, Solid Affiliate is a plugin that can be easily installed and removed if needed, requiring minimal maintenance and support. Plus, its currently on sale for $149/year, it’s an affordable way to grow your sales organically. And if it doesn’t work out, you can always uninstall it and get a refund within the first 30 days.”

  1. “I’m not sure if I have the time to manage an affiliate program.”

Response idea : “Solid Affiliate is designed to be easy to use and maintain. It automates the process, including tracking affiliates’ purchases and sending out commissions. Plus, as your agency or freelancer, I’m happy to help you set up and answer any questions you may have. With Solid Affiliate, you’ll be able to grow your sales without having to invest a lot of time and effort.”

  1. “I’m not sure if an affiliate program is right for my business.”

Response idea: “That’s a valid concern. However, Solid Affiliate is a highly customizable tool that can be tailored to fit the needs of your business. You can decide on the commission structure and settings that work best for you and easily convert your existing customers into affiliates. Plus, with the low price of just $149/year, it’s an affordable way to grow your sales organically. And if it doesn’t work out, you can always uninstall it and get a refund within the first 30 days.”

  1. “Where would we even get affiliates/influencers to promote *our* business.”

Response idea: “I’m glad you asked! One of the great features of Solid Affiliate is that it allows you to easily convert your existing customers into affiliates with just one click. This means that you can start your affiliate program immediately, even if you don’t have any existing affiliates or influencers promoting your business. Plus, Solid Affiliate includes an affiliate registration page on your website, so you can easily recruit new affiliates or influencers. So, you’ll have a pool of affiliates to choose from and can start growing your sales organically from day one.”

  1. “I’m worried about a recession or a change in the market”

Response idea: “You should check out this article: It’s recession time! Take advantage with Solid Affiliate, which directly addresses this point.”

The Benefits of an Affiliate Program for Your Clients’ Business (Or Why You Should Be Telling Your WooCommerce Clients All About Solid Affiliate)

An affiliate program can be a powerful tool for any business, and it’s especially relevant for e-commerce businesses looking to grow their sales in today’s digital age. Here are just a few benefits your clients can expect when they implement an affiliate program with Solid Affiliate. It’s important to note that only a few years ago, implementing such a program would be a significant time and money investment. But now, if your clients happen to be using WooCommerce, it takes just a few clicks because of Solid Affiliate’s native integration with WooCommerce.

  • Increased sales: Let’s be real – everyone loves making more money. And with Solid Affiliate, your clients can do just that. By incentivizing affiliates to promote their products or services, they can reach new customers and drive more sales. Plus, since affiliates are only paid when they make a sale, it’s a low-risk way to potentially boost revenue.
  • Brand exposure: Is your client’s brand flying under the radar? It doesn’t have to be. By partnering with affiliates and influencers with a trusted following, your clients can tap into their networks and get their brand in front of new audiences, both online and offline. And with Solid Affiliate, recruiting new affiliates and keeping track of their promotions is easy.
  • Customer loyalty: An affiliate program can also help your clients build loyalty among their existing customers. By offering rewards or commissions for referring friends and family, your clients can create a sense of community and encourage customers to advocate for their business. And with Solid Affiliate, it’s easy to convert existing customers into affiliates with just a few clicks.
  • Word-of-mouth marketing: In a world where people are increasingly skeptical of paid advertising, word-of-mouth recommendations from trusted sources can be incredibly powerful. An affiliate program can help your clients tap into this organic, authentic marketing type by incentivizing affiliates to promote their business to their followers. And with Solid Affiliate, tracking and rewarding affiliates for their referrals is easy.
  • Micro-influencers and mini-communities: The rise of “micro-influencers” and small online communities have created new opportunities for businesses to connect with highly engaged, niche audiences. By partnering with affiliates with a loyal following within a particular niche, your clients can reach a highly targeted audience and build a loyal customer base. And with Solid Affiliate, recruiting affiliates from various sources is easy and reliable.

So there you have it – just a few reasons why you should tell all of your WooCommerce clients about Solid Affiliate. It’s easy to use, it can drive more sales and increase brand exposure, and it can help your clients build customer loyalty. Plus, with the current sale price of just $149/year, your clients will be happy to pay for the added value that Solid Affiliate brings to their business. And hey, if they’re not satisfied, they can always get their money back thanks to our 30-day money-back guarantee.

The Future of Affiliate Marketing and How Solid Affiliate Can Help You Thrive

As a developer and the founder of Solid Affiliate, I’m always thinking about the future of affiliate marketing. And let me tell you, the future looks bright. With the increasing importance of e-commerce and the rise of social media and online communities, businesses have more opportunities than ever to tap into the power of affiliates and influencers. There are also large-scale changes in internet privacy and tracking practices and regulations, and Solid Affiliate is way ahead of the curb. While other SaaS tracking platforms and internet giants such as Facebook run into significant roadblocks, Solid Affiliate is gracefully growing.

Why? Because the tool was built from the ground up to work natively with WordPress and WooCommerce – there is no 3rd party data storage or even 3rd party cookies. So all of the buzz you might have heard about changes to cookies and tracking, Solid Affiliate has that covered.

As the leading WordPress plugin for growing a WooCommerce store organically, Solid Affiliate is always at the forefront of the latest trends and best practices in the industry. Whether incorporating new features like automatic affiliate conversion or building integrations with popular social media platforms, we’re always looking for ways to make it easier for businesses to get the most out of their affiliate program. And with thousands of satisfied users and a whole host of glowing testimonials, it’s clear that we’re doing something right.

But it’s not just about us – this is about you and your future.

As an agency or freelancer, your success is closely tied to your clients’ success. After all, if they’re happy and thriving, they’ll be more likely to continue working with you and recommend your services to others. That’s why focusing on sustainable, organic growth for your clients is so important.

By offering an affiliate program through Solid Affiliate, your clients can grow their business organically and sustainably without needing expensive paid advertising or other costly marketing efforts. And the best part? When your clients succeed, you succeed too. By suggesting Solid Affiliate and helping your clients set up their program, you can benefit from their success, especially if they can attribute their growth to your suggestion.

So don’t wait – start recommending Solid Affiliate to your clients today and watch their business grow sustainably and organically. And who knows – with the added cash flow and increased brand exposure that an affiliate program can bring, they may recommend you to more and more businesses.

Special Perks and Insights for Agencies

Most of the founding team at Solid Affiliate has personal experience working with or running an agency in the past. We’ll try and view this from your perspective and provide some additional information and resources here, with the goal of being helpful.

First and foremost, we have extremely low refund rates – once a company sets up Solid Affiliate and sees success, they don’t want to cancel, and they’ll always want you around to help them support and extend their successful affiliate program. That’s a win-win for everyone!

In addition, Solid Affiliate is fully translatable, which means it can be easily customized to fit the needs of your clients regardless of their language or location. You can find translation details, as well as a list of all the supported languages here.

We’re also very actively developed, with an aggressive roadmap that includes new features and improvements on a regular basis. You can check out our changelog and our roadmap to see what’s in store.

We have dedicated channels for our agency partners to communicate with our team, and we take your feedback very seriously. Whether you have a suggestion for a new feature or need some help getting started, we’re always here to help. And if you need more information or guidance, our full documentation and support resources are available at

In short, our goal is to make Solid Affiliate a win-win for everyone – you, your clients, and us. By working together and constantly improving, we can all achieve success. So if you have any ideas, or suggestions, or want to chat, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re always happy to help.

There’s also a Solid Affiliate Facebook Group and a YouTube channel where we post content and videos.

If you’re looking for 3rd party resources and reviews, here’s a list to get you started:

And let’s not forget about custom code opportunities. Let us know if you have a client with a unique need that Solid Affiliate doesn’t currently meet. We’re happy to work with you to develop custom code solutions to help your client succeed.

If you don’t believe that we’re ultra-responsive to agencies, give us a test. Just email us at and reference this paragraph ^ and let us know if there’s anything we can help with. Perhaps you could let us know how to make this very article more compelling? ❤️


In Conclusion: Solid Affiliate is Here for You, Whenever You’re Ready

We hope this article has given you a sense of what Solid Affiliate is all about and how it can help your clients succeed. Whether you’re an agency looking to boost your business or a freelancer seeking new opportunities, Solid Affiliate is a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals.

But we understand that everyone is at a different stage in their journey, and that’s okay. If you’re not ready to jump in and promote Solid Affiliate to your clients just yet, that’s totally fine. We’ll be here whenever you’re ready, and if you have any questions or just want to chat, don’t hesitate to reach out. The author of this article – me, the founder of Solid Affiliate – would be more than happy to talk and answer any questions you might have.

So whether you’re ready to take the plunge and start promoting Solid Affiliate to your clients or you just want to learn more, we’re here for you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch – we’re always happy to help.

Take care, and talk soon, my friend!

– Mike “The Affiliate Whisperer” Holubowski, Founder of Solid Affiliate

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