Most Innovative WordPress Plugins (Updated 2022)

The WordPress plugin ecosystem is enormous, and there are countless useful articles online listing the best plugins for XYZ. In this article, we’re listing the most innovative plugins that we’ve found this year.

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Solid Affiliate prides itself on being an innovative, engineering-focused company. With that in mind, we set out to find other plugins that have created innovative solutions to large problems.

Offermative : Intelligent sales optimization for WooCommerce.

What is the value proposition of Offermative?

Offermative does all the hard work of optimizing your sales funnel and revenue in WooCommerce. Install the plugin and with a few clicks, it will auto-deploy high converting offers on your store. WooCommerce upsell, cross-sell, order bump, discounts, frequently bought together, etc. Offermative can run highly targeted offers – micro offers – on hundreds of products.

Offermative has the skills of a marketer, copywriter, designer, web developer, and data scientist all baked into its code.

What makes Offermative one of the most innovative plugins of 2022?

Most plugins – and softwares in general – solve simple problems which don’t require creativity. However, Offermative does creative work for you. From a product design and engineering standpoint, these are much more complex problems to solve. Offermative tackles these complex problems with its in-built AI solutions.

You should use Offermative if…

…you’re selling multiple products via your WooCommerce store and want an automated and intelligent system helping you to generate revenue quickly and on autopilot.

Offermative simply feels like a next-generation plugin, and it’s made by a trustworthy company StoreApps (Official WooCommerce developers) with hundreds of thousands of customers. For these reasons, it made our list of most innovative WordPress plugins.

Solid Affiliate : Next-generation affiliate plugin for WooCommerce.

What’s the value proposition of Solid Affiliate?

Solid Affiliate adds a world-class affiliate program to any WooCommerce site. It’s easy to set up and use, fully customizable, and has dozens of innovative features all included – no add-ons necessary. Launched in 2021, Solid Affiliate quickly gained traction and high praise from customers and industry leaders.

A Solid Affiliate powered affiliate/referral program has the potential to exponentially increase the reach and revenue of your products. It’s an innovative approach to business – by fairly incentivizing other individuals to promote your business, you’ll create a fruitful win-win scenario for both your affiliates and your business.

What makes Solid Affiliate one of the most innovative plugins of 2022?

The features of Solid Affiliate and the one-price model make it stand out as an innovative plugin. It looks and feels like a next-generation plugin. While other plugins charge extra for core functionality under the guise of “pro add-ons,” Solid Affiliate includes all features and integrations for one price.

A few highlighted features of Solid Affiliate

  • Smart Setup Wizard
  • Native WooCommerce Integration
  • Refund Protection
  • 0% Fee Affiliate Payments
  • Modern software code base

The software engineering practices at Solid Affiliate were cultivated for years by the founding team at large, successful technology companies – including Google. At the end of the day, the investment in proper plugin development leads to a superior product at an unbeatable price. While other plugins need to charge their customers more to pay offshore developers to fix bugs and respond to issues, Solid Affiliate builds everything in-house and passes those savings on to our customers.

You should use Solid Affiliate if…

…you’re running a WooCommerce store and want to add a referral or affiliate program, you should use Solid Affiliate. It’s simply the most modern, innovative, and best-designed affiliate plugin for WooCommerce. It’s also adding features based on customer requests faster than any of the competitors. For these reasons, it made our list of most innovative WordPress plugins.

AutomatorWP : Think Zapier but purpose-built for WordPress.

What’s the value proposition of AutomatorWP?

AutomatorWP connects your WordPress plugins and puts them to work together. Save time and money automating tasks with no code. Think Zapier but purpose-built for WordPress. With AutomatorWP, you can create automations linked to your WordPress activities, and when any of them happen, you can make other things happen accordingly.

Imagine you want to connect BuddyPress with WooCommerce in the way that you want to sell access to your groups.

With AutomatorWP you can create an automation like “When a user purchases the product X > Add user to the group Y” or “When a user completes its profile > Create a coupon and email user with the coupon code”.

If you change your stack, there is no problem because AutomatorWP actually supports +70 plugins, Easy Digital Downloads, The Events Calendar, WP Fusion, BuddyBoss, etc.

Here is a quick introductory video about what AutomatorWP is able to perform:

What is AutomatorWP?

What makes AutomatorWP one of the most innovative plugins of 2021?

AutomatorWP made our list of the most innovative for two reasons: it solves a wide range of problems by augmenting WordPress with a new superpower, and the user experience is great. The team at AutomatorWP has a proven track record with a previously successful plugin – GamiPress – and is now poised to great a world-class automation plugin. AutomatorWP was born to be the “Zapier of WordPress” as a brand new tool that lets users automate WordPress and connect the plugins that otherwise would be isolated from one another.

You should use AutomatorWP if…

…you are looking to add automation of any kind to your WordPress site. If you find yourself or any of your team members manually doing the same tasks over and over again, you should look into AutomatorWP.

Instagram Feed Plugin by Tagembed

What’s the value proposition of Instagram Feed Plugin by Tagembed?

Instagram feed wordpress plugin by Tagembed is a prominent Instagram aggregator tool that helps users collect Instagram feeds from 19+ platforms, including Instagram, and enables users to curate and customize content before you embed instagram feed on WordPress.

Alongside easing the whole embedding process and restricting it to a few clicks, the tool also comes with some added features that make the feed more functional and pleasing to the eye. You can easily get better results for your website with options to customize the feed as per your need, moderate the content, and more.

What makes Instagram Feed Plugin by Tagembed one of the Most innovative plugins of 2023?

The features of Tagembed, with the provided pricing plans make it one of the best and most innovative plugins of 2023. The features make the plugin more efficient and help fetch more results.

Some of the highlighted features of the feed are:

  • Widget Customization
  • Content Moderation
  • Responsive widget
  • Auto update
  • Custom CSS
  • Analytics and more

You should use Instagram Feed Plugin by Tagembed if…

…you’re running an online website and looking to make it more functional and attractive, then, the Instagram feed wordpress plugin by Tagembed is all you need. It is all in one plugin helping you in collecting, curating, customizing, and displaying Instagram feeds on WordPress websites.

PushEngage : Push notification for WordPress.

What’s the value proposition of PushEngage?

PushEngage offers a solution to engage and retain visitors after they’ve left your website. It accomplishes this with Push Notifications. What are push notifications? Push notifications are clickable messages that pop up on browsers irrespective of the mobile or web device. You’ve likely seen them on websites or mobile apps.

What makes PushEngage one of the most innovative plugins of 2022?

PushEngage made our list of most innovative plugins because it empowers any WooCommerce store to leverage new technology to benefit their business and their users. There are a limited number of ways to communicate with users in an automated way, and push notifications are a proven strategy.

You should use PushEngage if…

…you have an established WooCommerce business and want to add additional communication channels via push notifications.

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